Please keep Mike Weiss of El Fuego Fiasco in your prayers. He just had his right testicle removed last Thursday. The doctor just called and it did turn out to be cancer. Fortunately it's the best form. It was Semonoma in the very earliest stages and was isolated to the inside of the testicle. Moving forward he'll be going to specialist for further x-rays to be concrete that it didn't spread. The likelihood that it spread he said is infantile and that he will not need kemo at this time. They will simply monitor for the years to come. Not the best news but we're all very happy it wasn't worse.
He thanks everyone for keeping him in your prayers and most of all thanks for all the great new nicknames he now has.
I would like to take a moment and thank Mike for everything he has done for me and MEAT ME and wish him the best in recovery and the loss of his testicle.
Sean Rice

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